
AI in content creation for email marketing

Apr 24, 2024 | Email Content

AI in content creation

Working with email marketing you should understand how important both visual content and copywriting are in email marketing. With this in mind, email marketers spend a lot of time getting good content. Fortunately, there are AI in content that will be very helpful for you at this stage of your work. Of course, almost all ESPs now have AI tools, but there are also unique AIs on the market that offer specific tools.

Begin with ChatGPT

AI in content generation process

Starting from ChatGPT, where you can generate tons of ideas, develop your ideas, and get templates for your content, end with specialized ones like Smartwriter.ai, which will provide you with personalized topics based on your potential customer social media activity, making cold outreach work more efficient. It will search podcasts, interviews, articles, Medium blogs, and 42 other data sources to create a unique, contextual message that will capture the attention of the recipient. This is a very useful tool, especially for personalization, which we will talk about in the strategy section.



Another one is Phrasee․ It uses generative AI to generate billions of the best marketing messages across the digital customer journey. Through their enterprise-grade platform, they make it easy for marketers to test and optimize content for better performance, conversions, and ROI. Phrasee’s brand controls protect and amplify your brand’s unique tone and voice while always generating content that delivers consistent experiences across the digital customer journey. Phrasee generates and predicts your best-performing content based on data, not gut instinct.



You can continually improve the quality of your emails using Lavender. It will be your Email Coach and will grade your email and give tips to improve. It’ll find and fix anything that hurts your chance of getting a reply, using generative AI and data from millions of emails. You’ll receive more replies when you send emails with a high score. The Lavender email score moves with you. You’ll receive real-time coaching based on your inbox and billions of data points. When email behavior evolves, their recommendations do too (thanks to generative AI). So you’re always using the best practices.


AI in content, Botowski

Botowski is another AI in content. This is an email writer that helps you write amazing email copies by providing them with a few lines of description. It also offers a range of automatic content generation tools that generate catchy slogans for branding purposes, email templates, and blog content. It helps generate increased quality ideas for a professional or personal email; the AI Email Writer can help get your creative juices flowing. You can even set up a tone for your email. You need to provide a description and pick a suitable tone, and it will generate a well-written email for you in minutes. It provides you with various copy templates. So, if you don’t like the first copy, you can generate multiple copies and pick whichever you like.


AI in content, Rasa

Rasa is an AI-powered newsletter tool that helps you send personalized emails to your subscribers and help them stay engaged. Every email you send out with this tool is completely personalized to each of your prospects. Rasa helps increase the click-through rate of your emails by sending each prospect a tailored email. With their automation tools, you can still take charge of your strategy while simultaneously saving time and effort. It also analyzes previous prospect data and suggests the most suitable email content for every user.


These are just a few of the many tools available on the market. Using their example, we just want to show you that we live in a time when there are many tools to make work more efficient. Explore different AI tools, find the one that suits you best, and use it to make your email marketing more effective.

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