
How to have 70.000$ extra income a month with one simple automation. Lifehack for business

Jul 4, 2024 | Bonus

Business man working with PC

Any person who has ever been involved in entrepreneurial activity knows how difficult it is to run a business. Of course, it is fascinating for those watching from the side. They see the success of a businessman and his company. But let’s not forget that behind these successes are years of hard work, sleepless nights, and many unsuccessful attempts.

We have our own business and have experienced all this first-hand, so we understand perfectly how important it is for any business to make the most of the opportunities provided.

In the midst of all this, it is very alarming that many companies are not using email marketing and the opportunities it offers, despite their hard work and the presence of a large number of potential customers who would be willing to become paying customers if appropriate automation and other email marketing tools were used.

Example Case

Here is a case where an organization significantly increased sales through simple automation.

The DigitalMarketer realized that it was losing a lot of potential customers due to a lack of automation. So they began using exit intent pop-ups that offered the users to subscribe to their email and get a special offer that would last only a week. After that, they began to capture 2689 additional leads each month, 315 of whom made purchases later, increasing their revenue by 7%.

Can you imagine? Just one action, one very banal automation, and your income can increase by 7%. For example, if you earn $1 million a month, you could earn an additional $70,000 each month. And at the end of the year, you would have $840,000 more income.

This was just one example, but imagine what will happen to your business and its revenue if you start using email marketing and all its automation tools.

To sum it up, let’s make one thing clear: running a business is very difficult, and the outcome depends on many circumstances. But if you manage to create such a system that people come to one of your platforms and see your products or services, then don’t skip email marketing and the opportunities it provides. Don’t be fooled by those who say that email marketing is dead and doesn’t work for business.

It’s not email marketing that’s dead, it’s the ideas and tools used by the people who say those things.

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