

Feb 22, 2024 | Platforms


Brevo, formerly known as Sendinblue, is a powerful email marketing platform designed to empower businesses of all sizes to connect with their audience effectively.

It offers all the essential features a business needs to connect and engage with its customers, including excellent automation, professional email templates, and built-in customer relationship management (CRM) tools. With Brevo, anyone can build lasting customer relationships using email, WhatsApp, SMS, chat, marketing automation, and more.

Brevo has over 700 employees and supports more than 500,000 active users across 180 countries.



1. Intuitive Email Builder: Brevo offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor, allowing you to create stunning emails without any coding skills required. Customize your designs, add compelling content, and optimize for mobile responsiveness effortlessly.

2. Automation: Streamline your workflow with Brevo’s automation features. From welcome emails to abandoned cart reminders, automate personalized campaigns to engage your audience at every stage of their journey.

3. Advanced Segmentation: Target the right audience with precision using Brevo’s advanced segmentation capabilities. Segment your contacts based on behavior, demographics, and more to deliver tailored messages that resonate.

4. A/B Testing: Optimize your campaigns for maximum impact with A/B testing. Experiment with different subject lines, and content variations, and send times to identify what resonates best with your audience.

5. The Brevo Customer Data Platform: It can be integrated quickly to centralize, clean, and normalize customer data from multiple sources, for example, data warehouses, websites, and customer engagement tools. It then organizes this data, aggregating information from multiple touchpoints, to create a single customer view.

It enables highly personalized content and allows you to build engagement strategies for each customer, based on their behavior, loyalty status, and RFM group, so every marketing message will hit the mark. It comes with customer analytics that empower you to create data-driven marketing strategies. With these customer insights at your fingertips, your teams can deepen engagement and deliver more tailored experiences across multiple channels. The new Brevo CDP helps you navigate and activate your data to meet customer needs.


1. Cost-Effective Solution:Brevo offers competitive pricing plans tailored to suit businesses of all sizes, making it an affordable option for startups and established companies alike.

2. Comprehensive Analytics:Gain valuable insights into your campaign performance with Brevo’s detailed analytics dashboard. Track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to measure success and refine your strategies.

3. All-in-One Platform: Beyond email marketing, Brevo offers additional features such as SMS marketing, CRM, and marketing automation, providing a comprehensive solution to meet your marketing needs.

4. Excellent Deliverability: With Brevo’s dedicated IP and strong anti-spam measures, rest assured that your emails will reach your audience’s inbox without getting lost in spam folders.


Brevo offers flexible pricing plans to accommodate businesses of all sizes and budgets. Starting with a free plan for beginners, pricing scales based on the number of contacts and desired features. Premium plans unlock advanced features such as automation, A/B testing, and more, with transparent pricing and no hidden fees.

The platform offers four main types of plans to grow  business: Marketing platform, Conversations, Sales platform, Transactional Email.

Marketing Platform offer gives you access to multiple marketing functionalities and tools to grow your business.

Brevo software

To give you all the flexibility you need, we’ve created four pricing plans for Marketing Platform, starting from free to test the platform with 300 emails a day to paying plans offering a level of features adapted to the size of your company, your budget, and your needs.

Brevo pricing

 Conversations provides a single place to manage all your conversations with your clients across all your relevant messaging channels. It is the control center for all your customer’s conversational marketing and customer care activity.

Brevor pricing

Sales Platform

Sales platform provides tools to help you manage and optimize your sales process, thanks to customized sales pipelines, sales automation to automate repetitive tasks, and a task management system. You can also use our phone and meeting applications to manage your sales activities.

Brevo pricing

Transactional Email

Transactional Email offer is designed for developers and anyone who wants to reach a larger audience and target clients. You get access to all the Transactional Email features, such as RESTful APIs, SMTP, Webhooks, Unlimited log retention, Email tracking and analysis, Dynamic templates, and all the features described on their website. You can purchase transactional emails in packs of 20.000 to more than 1.000.000.

Brevo transactional email


Like all ESPs, Brevo also has its downsides.

1. Learning Curve:While Brevo is relatively easy to use, mastering its full range of features may require some time and effort, especially for beginners.

2. Limited Template Selection: Some users may find the template library somewhat limited compared to other platforms, although customization options help mitigate this.


Brevo (Sendinblue) stands out as a versatile and cost-effective solution for businesses seeking to elevate their email marketing efforts. With its robust features, user-friendly interface, and competitive pricing, Brevo empowers businesses to build meaningful connections with their audience and drive measurable results.



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